Friday, September 23, 2011

I Trust Him - Julie Waddle

Many times over the years my husband and I listened to Herman Cain on the radio, and talked about how much sense he made. We had already supported him for GA Senate race, but when he was on the radio each night, I learned so much from him.

The things he keeps telling us now, stay informed, involved, inspired, is the message he has promoted for years. Every night, he kept us informed of the issues of the day, and urged us to be involved, such as calling our representatives. But most of all, every night I would come away from his show inspired and encouraged about our country.

I had no idea listening to him every night, just what an amazing person he really was and what an extensive resume he had, as he rarely talked about himself. When he started giving speeches at tea party events a few years ago, I was amazed at how he could totally connect with people. He had me on board from the first time he hinted at the possibility he was running for President at the SRLC conference 2 years ago.

The bottom line is this - I trust him.

I don't trust any other candidate out there like I trust Herman Cain - not just to get the job done, but that his heart is in the right place. He is a conservative at heart and in deed, not just in word. He knows firsthand that with God's help, in this great country, you really can achieve your dreams. I do not believe he will sell us out, because his lifetime exemplifies loyalty and commitment to those he loves.

And if you look at each step of his career - the one thread that persists is the fact that he is very other-centered - from his employees to the customers. As such, I believe he will stay committed to the course to which we elect him.

1 comment:

  1. we support the nom of @THEHermanCain #brokeredconvention. join us!
